Hotel Punta Leona Blog_EN


Written by Hotel Punta Leona | Sep 7, 2022 3:11:55 PM

World Tourism Day is a way of remembering how tourism benefits us all.

Tourism is currently one of the most important economic and cultural activities of our country, and our people.


We understand tourism to be all those activities that have to do with knowing and enjoying regions or spaces in where one does not live permanently. Tourism can present many variants since there are different types of tourism: cultural, adventure, entertainment, relaxation. In the same way, there are also different people presenting different types of tourism for: young people, families, the elderly, couples and friends

Tourism in Costa Rica is not only something that supports more than 600,000 people. It also benefits those of us who enjoy them, because it fills us with well-being and challenges. Yes, it challenges us, with the following question, Do you want to know what you are capable of?

Travel through the country! Visiting new places changes our way of seeing things and helps us to appreciate differences, gives us vitality and sustains the present moment, keys to happiness

and well-being.


There is no better way to know the richness of Costa Rica and learn about the country, than to live it through the experiences of the local people. Take every moment as an opportunity for growth, because immersing in the culture, trying a different foods and living new activities will lead us to break old beliefs and rediscover ourselves. Rethinking tourism is the mission of the world tourism day 2022.

Discovering new spaces, allows us to rethink tourism, Tourism is important as a way of showing us how people live in other cultures, other societies and other geographical environments.


While there are some things we can know through maps and photos, it is only through tourism that we can interact directly with those realities different from our usual experiences,

thus enriching own lives and culture through personal experience.


Possibly the greatest benefit that tourism bestows, in addition to personal well-being, is the ability to discover and go beyond our current knowledge. In Punta Leona, we have undertaken many activities in favor of the environment and local communities. In addition to being one of the premiere sources of employment and enjoyment in the Garabito district, we make conservation and sustainable development a high priority in all our projects and strive to maintain, protect and promote a nature - economic balance.


We all benefit from tourism, even those who know that Hotel Punta Leona understands the importance of primary and secondary forest for local fauna, We created the wildlife refuge. Not only do we monitor and protect natural resources and species, we also offer fascinating guided

walks to raise awareness of the importance of conservation and sustainable development.


For this we leave you 5 tips to rethink tourism:


  1. Understand that tourism in Costa Rica is something we all do.
  2. Every time you go out to tour, remember that it is not only a walk, it is an opportunity to grow.
  3. Experience the opportunity to experience mixed environments; beaches and mountains.
  4. Dare to leave the traditional destinations and get to know Costa Rica with different eyes.
  5. Get to know the people who work in tourism, they are the best hosts you can have.


This World Tourism Day, we invite you to rethink everything you know about Punta Leona!