Hotel Punta Leona Blog_EN


Written by Tamara Soto | Apr 22, 2021 5:24:16 PM

In the restaurants of Hotel and Club Punta Leona you can taste our dishes knowing that the species used to prepare them are not in danger of extinction, vulnerable, or threatened.  We also respect periods of closure and comply with the recommended sizes for fishing.

The philosophy of sustainability of the Hotel is also printed in its restaurants, protecting the Costa Rican seas by taking certain measures that favor the recovery of the populations of marine species.

By prohibiting the capture, commercialization and consumption of some marine species during sensitive stages of their life cycle, we seek not to subject them to the impact of fishing during their periods of growth and reproduction. Thus marine populations remain healthy, newly born enter to swell their populations and they can recover from the fishing, and then enjoy them again at the table.

"We can also mention that in our restaurants we take advantage of fruits and vegetables according to their season," said Raúl García, Food and Beverage Manager. According to García, seasonal fruits and vegetables are more ecological, since their production and distribution produce a lower environmental impact than those produced by long-distance travelers and, in addition, they have to be stored.

By supporting the temporality of the products, the maintenance of the local economy is promoted, thus helping to create and maintain business and jobs in the area.